Thursday, January 9, 2020

Summary of Drinking, a Love Story - 2443 Words

Part I: A. Introduction: Drinking, A Love Story, Written by Caroline Knapp: Is an insider’s story about fighting the battle of alcoholism and addiction, victoriously winning sobriety. Caroline Knapp fought her addiction for 20 years before becoming sober. â€Å"The Drink† as she called it, was her true love. The most beloved form being a good crisp dry white wine, but any form would do. She fell in love with alcohol at a young age and loved everything about it. The smell, the sound of a cork being pulled from a bottle, the cold liquid anesthesia running down the back of her throat after a long day at the office, the routine of drinking, but most of all she loved the way alcohol made her feel. Alcohol was the one thing for a very long time†¦show more content†¦She said these things to really more or less convince herself that they were true when panic started to take over. Her love affairs with multiple men, the articles she wrote for The Boston Herald, the ever mounting empty bottles of cognac told a different story. When she wasn’t focused on drinking, her addiction turned to self-loathing in a different form of control. Anorexia. At her lowest weight of 80 pounds, she had gone through months of using food and exercise as forms of self-control, much like the way she used alcohol in the most destructive way, she was trying to cure, medicate or eliminate the feelings of self-hatred, shyness and anxiety that loomed over her like a dark cloud. The patterns of dysfunctional relationships, drinking to get drunk, drunk driving, and black outs continued for Caroline until her parents died. First her father, a tragic death from a brain tumor, which at first led her to boozing to cope with the feelings, then a year later her mother died of lung cancer. 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